Avil 2 ml 45,5 mg Overdose

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Overdose of Avil 2 ml 45,5 mg in details


Symptoms: Agitation and convulsions (especially in children), and restlessness, disorientation and hallucinations in adults. Accidental ingestion in small children has resulted in convulsions and in some cases fatal. Treatment: No specific antidote; symptomatic and supportive. Gastric lavage may be useful for some time after ingestion. Do not use stimulants. Diazepam or short-acting barbiturates may be used to control convulsions. Vasopressors may be used for hypotension.

Avil 2 ml 45,5 mg warnings

  1. Products containing antihistamines may cause drowsiness.
  2. Patients should not engage in activities requiring mental alertness, such as driving or operating machinery or appliances.
  3. Alcohol or other sedative drugs may enhance the drowsiness caused by antihistamines.
  4. Patients should not take Avil 2 ml 45,5 mg Tablets if they are receiving a monoamine oxidase inhibitor or within 2 weeks of stopping such treatment.
  5. This medication should not be given to children less than 12 years of age.

Avil 2 ml 45,5 mg precautions


May impair ability to drive or operate machinery. Has potential for abuse. Narrow angle glaucoma, asthma or severe CV disease. Antiemetic effect may mask signs of other conditions. Pregnancy and lactation. Elderly.


  1. DrugBank. "pheniramine". http://www.drugbank.ca/drugs/DB01620 (accessed September 17, 2018).
  2. MeSH. "Antipruritics". https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/68... (accessed September 17, 2018).


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Information checked by Dr. Sachin Kumar, MD Pharmacology

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