G-Pride 2mg Uses

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What is G-Pride 2mg?

G-Pride 2mg is used to treat high blood sugar levels caused by type 2 diabetes. It may be used alone, or in combination with insulin or another oral medicine such as metformin. In type 2 diabetes, insulin produced by the pancreas is not able to get sugar into the cells of the body where it can work properly. Using G-Pride 2mg will help lower blood sugar when it is too high and help restore the way you use food to make energy.. Some people can control type 2 diabetes with diet alone or diet and exercise. Following a specially planned diet and exercising will always be important when you have diabetes, even when you are taking medicines. To work properly, the amount of G-Pride 2mg you take must be balanced against the amount and type of food you eat and the amount of exercise you do. If you change your diet, your exercise, or both, you will want to test your blood sugar to find out if it is too low. Your doctor will teach you what to do if this happens.

G-Pride 2mg is available only with your doctor's prescription.

G-Pride 2mg indications


NIKP-G-Pride 2mg tablet 3 mg is used as monotherapy as adjunct to diet and exercise for the management of type II diabetes mellitus (non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus) in patients whose blood glucose levels cannot be controlled adequately by diet and exercise alone.

NIKP-G-Pride 2mg tablet 3 mg also may be used in combination with one or more other oral anti-diabetic agents containing metformin or insulin as adjunct to diet and exercise for the management of type II diabetes mellitus (non-insulin diabetes mellitus) patients whose blood glucose levels cannot be controlled adequately by diet, exercise and oral antidiabetic agent monotherapy.

How should I use G-Pride 2mg?

Use G-Pride 2mg as directed by your doctor. Check the label on the medicine for exact dosing instructions.

Ask your health care provider any questions you may have about how to use G-Pride 2mg.

Uses of G-Pride 2mg in details


G-Pride 2mg is used to lower the blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes mellitus when diet, physical exercise and weight reduction alone are not adequate.

G-Pride 2mg description

Each tablet contains the following colourants: G-Pride 2mg 1 mg: Ferric oxide (red); G-Pride 2mg 2 mg: Ferric oxide (yellow) and lake of indigo carmine.

It also contains the following excipients: Lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium starch glycollate, povidone, crospovidone, purified talc, magnesium stearate and anhydrous colloidal silica.

G-Pride 2mg dosage

Always take NIKP-G-Pride 2mg exactly as the physician has prescribed.

The dose depends on the patient's needs, condition and results of blood and urine sugar tests and is determined by the physician. The patient should not take more tablets than what the physician has prescribed.

Usual Starting Dose: 1 mg once daily. If necessary, the physician may increase the dose after each 1-2 weeks of treatment. Max Dose: 6 mg/day.

A combination therapy of G-Pride 2mg + metformin or of G-Pride 2mg + insulin may be initiated. In such case, the physician will determine the proper doses of G-Pride 2mg, metformin or insulin individually.

Inform the physician if the patient's weight or lifestyle changes or in a stressful situation, this may require change in NIKP-G-Pride 2mg doses.

If the patient feels the effect of the medicine is too weak or too strong, do not change the dose, consult the physician.

Missed Dose: If the patient forgot to take a dose, do not take a double dose to make up for forgotten doses.

If treatment is interrupted or stopped, the patient should be aware that the desired blood sugar-lowering effect will not be achieved or that the disease will deteriorate again. Keep taking NIKP-G-Pride 2mg until the physician tells the patient to stop.

Administration: Take NIKP-G-Pride 2mg by mouth, just before or with the 1st main meal of the day (usually breakfast). If the patient does not take breakfast, take NIKP-G-Pride 2mg as prescribed by the physician. It is important not to leave out any meal when the patient is on NIKP-G-Pride 2mg.

Swallow the tablet whole with at least ½ glass of water. Do not crush or chew the tablets.

G-Pride 2mg interactions

See also:
What other drugs will affect G-Pride 2mg?


Drug-Drug Interactions: Increased blood glucose lowering effect of G-Pride 2mg can occur when NIKP-G-Pride 2mg tablet 3 mg is taken with:

Oral antidiabetics, injectible antidiabetics (eg, GLP-1 agonists, insulin), ACE inhibitors, allpurinol, androgens (male sex hormones: eg, anabolic steroids), fenfluramine, antibiotics (eg, chloramphenicol and tetracyclines), anticoagulant (eg, coumarin derivatives), anti-depressants (eg, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine), guanethidine, cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, trofosfamide, azole antifungals (eg, fluconazole, miconazole), β-blockers (eg, propranolol), disopyramide, clarithromycin, CYP450 2C9 inhibitors, fenyramidol, fibrates, histamine H2-antagonists, MAOIs, NSAIDs (eg, azapropazone, oxyphenbutazone, para-aminosalicylic acid, phenylbutazone, salicylates), pentoxifylline, quinolones, sulfonamides, tritoqualine, uricosuric (eg, probenecid, sulfinpyrazone) and herbs with hypoglycemic properties.

Decreased blood glucose lowering effect of G-Pride 2mg can occur when NIKP-G-Pride 2mg tablet 3 mg is taken with: Rifampicin, phenytoin, nicotinic acid, diazoxide, barbiturate, corticosteroids, CYP2C9 inducers, diuretics (eg, acetazolamide and thiazide diuretic), epinephrine (eg, adrenaline), glucagon, oestrogens, progestogens, thyroid, isoniazid, laxatives (after protracted use), phenothiazines and sympathomimetics.

Either increased or decreased blood glucose lowering effect of G-Pride 2mg can occur when NIKP-G-Pride 2mg tablet 3 mg is taken with: Clonidine, reserpine and H2-receptor antagonists.

The effect of coumarin derivatives may be potentiated or weakened when coumarin derivatives are taken with NIKP-G-Pride 2mg tablet 3 mg.

Drug-Food Interactions: Both acute and chronic alcohol intake may increase or decrease the blood glucose lowering action of G-Pride 2mg unpredictably.

Others: The signs of adrenergic counter-regulation to hypoglycemia may be reduced or absent due to the influences of sympatholytics eg, β-blockers, clonidine, guanethidine and reserpine. β-blockers decrease glucose tolerance which may lead to deterioration of metabolic control in patients with diabetes mellitus Additionally, β-blockers may increase the tendency to hypoglycemia due to impaired counter-regulation.

G-Pride 2mg side effects

See also:
What are the possible side effects of G-Pride 2mg?


The following serious adverse reactions are discussed in more detail below and elsewhere in the labeling:

  • In clinical trials, the most common adverse reactions with G-Pride 2mg were hypoglycemia, dizziness, asthenia, headache, and nausea.
  • Clinical Trials Experience

    Because clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of a drug cannot be directly compared to rates in the clinical trials of another drug and may not reflect the rates observed in practice.

    Approximately 2,800 patients with type 2 diabetes have been treated with G-Pride 2mg in the controlled clinical trials. In these trials, approximately 1,700 patients were treated with G-Pride 2mg for at least 1 year.

    Table 1 summarizes adverse events, other than hypoglycemia, that were reported in 11 pooled placebocontrolled trials, whether or not considered to be possibly or probably related to study medication. Treatment duration ranged from 13 weeks to 12 months. Terms that are reported represent those that occurred at an incidence of ≥5% among G-Pride 2mg-treated patients and more commonly than in patients who received placebo.

    Table 1. Eleven Pooled Placebo-Controlled Trials ranging from 13 weeks to 12 months : Adverse Events (Excluding Hypoglycemia) Occurring in ≥5% of G-Pride 2mg-treated Patients and at a Greater Incidence than with Placebo*

    G-Pride 2mg






    Headache 8.2 7.8
    Accidental InjuryInsufficient information to determine whether any of the accidental injury events were associated with hypoglycemia


    In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled monotherapy trial of 14 weeks duration, patients already on sulfonylurea therapy underwent a 3-week washout period then were randomized to G-Pride 2mg 1 mg, 4 mg, 8 mg or placebo. Patients randomized to G-Pride 2mg 4 mg or 8 mg underwent forced-titration from an initial dose of 1 mg to these final doses, as tolerated. The overall incidence of possible hypoglycemia (defined by the presence of at least one symptom that the investigator believed might be related to hypoglycemia; a concurrent glucose measurement was not required) was 4% for G-Pride 2mg 1 mg, 17% for G-Pride 2mg 4 mg, 16% for G-Pride 2mg 8 mg and 0% for placebo. All of these events were self-treated.

    In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled monotherapy trial of 22 weeks duration, patients received a starting dose of either 1 mg G-Pride 2mg or placebo daily. The dose of G-Pride 2mg was titrated to a target fasting plasma glucose of 90–150 mg/dL. Final daily doses of G-Pride 2mg were 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8 mg. The overall incidence of possible hypoglycemia (as defined above for the 14-week trial) for G-Pride 2mg vs. placebo was 19.7% vs. 3.2%. All of these events were selftreated.

    Weight Gain

    G-Pride 2mg, like all sulfonylureas, can cause weight gain.

    Allergic Reactions

    In clinical trials, allergic reactions, such as pruritus, erythema, urticaria, and morbilliform or maculopapular eruptions, occurred in less than 1% of G-Pride 2mg-treated patients. These may resolve despite continued treatment with G-Pride 2mg. There are postmarketing reports of more serious allergic reactions (e.g., dyspnea, hypotension, shock).

    Laboratory Tests

    Elevated Serum Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)

    In 11 pooled placebo-controlled trials of G-Pride 2mg, 1.9% of G-Pride 2mg-treated patients and 0.8% of placebo-treated patients developed serum ALT greater than 2 times the upper limit of the reference range.

    Postmarketing Experience

    The following adverse reactions have been identified during post-approval use of G-Pride 2mg. Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to drug exposure.

    G-Pride 2mg contraindications

    See also:
    What is the most important information I should know about G-Pride 2mg?

    G-Pride 2mg is not suitable for the treatment of insulin-dependent (type I) diabetes mellitus (eg, for the treatment of diabetics with a history of ketoacidosis), of diabetic ketoacidosis, or of diabetic precoma or coma. G-Pride 2mg must not be used in patients hypersensitive to G-Pride 2mg, other sulfonylureas, other sulfonamides, or any of the excipients (risk of hypersensitivity reactions).

    No experience has been gained concerning the use of G-Pride 2mg in patients with severe impairment of liver function and in dialysis patients. In patients with severe impairment of renal or hepatic function, a changeover to insulin is indicated, not least to achieve optimal metabolic control.

    Use in pregnancy & lactation: To avoid risk of harm to the child, G-Pride 2mg must not be taken during pregnancy; a changeover to insulin is necessary. Patients planning a pregnancy must inform their physician and should changeover to insulin. Ingestion of G-Pride 2mg with the breastmilk may harm the child. Therefore, G-Pride 2mg must not be taken by breastfeeding women. Either a changeover to insulin or a complete discontinuation of breastfeeding is necessary.

    Active ingredient matches for G-Pride 2mg:

    Glimepiride in Oman.

    List of G-Pride 2mg substitutes (brand and generic names)

    Sort by popularity
    Unit description / dosage (Manufacturer)Price, USD
    G-Tab 1mg TAB / 10 (Nostrum)$ 0.29
    G-Tab 2mg TAB / 10 (Nostrum)$ 0.39
    G-TAB tab 1 mg x 10's (Nostrum)$ 0.41
    G-TAB tab 2 mg x 10's (Nostrum)$ 0.51
    G-Tab Forte Glimepiride 2 mg, metformin/ SR 500 mg. TAB / 10 (Nostrum)$ 0.81
    G-TAB FORTE tab 10's (Nostrum)$ 0.81
    G-Tab M Glimepiride 1 mg, metformin/ SR 500 mg. TAB / 10 (Nostrum)$ 0.59
    G-TAB M tab 10's (Nostrum)$ 0.59
    G1 1 mg Tablet (Oscar Remedies Pvt. Ltd.)$ 0.03
    G2 MF 2+500 Tablet (Welbe Life Sciences)$ 0.05
    Gadz 1mg TAB / 10 (Xeena (Aamorb Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd))$ 0.18
    Gadz 2mg TAB / 10 (Xeena (Aamorb Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd))$ 0.32
    1 mg x 10's (Xeena (Aamorb Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd))$ 0.18
    2 mg x 10's (Xeena (Aamorb Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd))$ 0.32
    Gadz 1 mg Tablet (Xeena (Aamorb Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd))$ 0.02
    Gadz 2 mg Tablet (Xeena (Aamorb Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd))$ 0.03
    GADZ 1MG TABLET 1 strip / 10 tablets each (Xeena (Aamorb Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd))$ 0.18
    GADZ 2MG TABLET 1 strip / 10 tablets each (Xeena (Aamorb Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd))$ 0.32
    GADZ tab 1 mg x 10's (Xeena (Aamorb Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd))$ 0.30
    GADZ tab 2 mg x 10's (Xeena (Aamorb Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd))$ 0.46
    Gadz 1mg Tablet (Xeena (Aamorb Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd))$ 0.02
    Gadz 2mg Tablet (Xeena (Aamorb Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd))$ 0.03
    GALA G 1 MG TABLET 1 strip / 10 tablets each (Kinesis Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd)$ 0.31
    GALA G 2 MG TABLET 1 strip / 10 tablets each (Kinesis Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd)$ 0.55
    GALA G 3 MG TABLET 1 strip / 10 tablets each (Kinesis Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd)$ 0.56
    GALA G 4 MG TABLET 1 strip / 10 tablets each (Kinesis Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd)$ 0.67
    Gala G 1mg Tablet (Kinesis Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd)$ 0.03
    Gala G 2mg Tablet (Kinesis Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd)$ 0.06
    Gala G 3mg Tablet (Kinesis Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd)$ 0.06
    Gala G 4mg Tablet (Kinesis Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd)$ 0.07
    GALLO tab 1 mg x 10's (Zenon)
    GALLO tab 2 mg x 10's (Zenon)
    Gamaryl 3 mg Tablet (Bison Biotec Pvt Ltd)$ 0.10
    Gamaryl 1 mg Tablet (Bison Biotec Pvt Ltd)$ 0.05
    Gamaryl 2 mg Tablet (Bison Biotec Pvt Ltd)$ 0.08
    Gamaryl M 2+500 Tablet (Bison Biotec Pvt Ltd)$ 0.09
    Gamaryl M 1+500 Tablet (Bison Biotec Pvt Ltd)$ 0.07
    Gamaryl PM2 2+15+500 Tablet (Raymed Pharmaceuticals Ltd.)$ 0.08
    GEELINE 1MG TABLET 1 strip / 10 tablets each (Shrinivas Gujarat Laboratories Pvt Ltd)$ 0.29
    GEELINE 2MG TABLET 1 strip / 10 tablets each (Shrinivas Gujarat Laboratories Pvt Ltd)$ 0.41
    Geeline 2mg Tablet (Shrinivas Gujarat Laboratories Pvt Ltd)$ 0.04


    1. DailyMed. "GLIMEPIRIDE; PIOGLITAZONE HYDROCHLORIDE: DailyMed provides trustworthy information about marketed drugs in the United States. DailyMed is the official provider of FDA label information (package inserts).". https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailyme... (accessed September 17, 2018).
    2. PubChem. "glimepiride". https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/com... (accessed September 17, 2018).
    3. DrugBank. "glimepiride". http://www.drugbank.ca/drugs/DB00222 (accessed September 17, 2018).


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