Lice Clear Dosage

What is the dose of your medication?

Dosage of Lice Clear in details


Adults: Improvement of Abdominal Symptoms Due to Gas in the Gastrointestinal Tract: 120-240 mg daily divided into 3 times after or between meals by oral route.

Elimination of Foamy Mucus in the Stomach Prior to Gastric Endoscopy: 40-80 mg with about 10 mL of water at 15-40 min prior to the test by oral route.

Elimination of Gas in the Intestine Prior to Abdominal X-Ray Examination: 120-240 mg daily divided into 3 times after or between meals for 3-4 days prior to the test by oral route.

Some adjustments may be made according to the age and symptom of the patient.

Administration: Lice Clear Drops: Shake and then use.

Lice Clear interactions

Do not take this product if you are presently taking a prescription antibiotic drug of any form of tetracycline.

The rate and/or extent of absorption of many drugs may be increased or decreased when they are used concurrently with antacids.

Therefore, as a general rule, medication should not be taken within one to two hours of an antacid, if possible.

An incomplete list of substances for which the above statement has been shown to apply includes: tetracycline, iron sans, chlorpromazine, levodopa, isoniazid, digoxin, H2-antagonists, indomethacin, nitrofurantin, and dicumard.

An increase in the plasma level of quinidine and possible toxicity may result if alkalization of the urine occurs during antacid therapy.



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Information checked by Dr. Sachin Kumar, MD Pharmacology

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