Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 Overdose

Is this medication very expensive?

What happens if I overdose Pharmacor Gabapentin 600?

Contact 1-800-222-1222 (the American Association of Poison Control Centers), your local poison control center, or emergency room immediately.

Proper storage of Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 capsules:

Store Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 capsules between 68 and 77 degrees F (20 and 25 degrees C). Store away from heat, moisture, and light. Do not store in the bathroom. Keep Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 capsules out of the reach of children and away from pets.

Overdose of Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 in details


A lethal dose of Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 was not identified in mice and rats receiving single oral doses as high as 8000 mg/kg. Signs of acute toxicity in animals included ataxia, labored breathing, ptosis, sedation, hypoactivity, or excitation.

Acute oral overdoses of Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 up to 49 grams have been reported. In these cases, double vision, slurred speech, drowsiness, lethargy, and diarrhea were observed. All patients recovered with supportive care. Coma, resolving with dialysis, has been reported in patients with chronic renal failure who were treated with Pharmacor Gabapentin 600.

Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 can be removed by hemodialysis. Although hemodialysis has not been performed in the few overdose cases reported, it may be indicated by the patient’s clinical state or in patients with significant renal impairment.

If overexposure occurs, call your poison control center at 1-800-222-1222.

What should I avoid while taking Pharmacor Gabapentin 600?

Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 warnings


Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS)/Multiorgan Hypersensitivity

Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS), also known as multiorgan hypersensitivity, has occurred with Pharmacor Gabapentin 600. Some of these reactions have been fatal or life-threatening. DRESS typically, although not exclusively, presents with fever, rash, and/or lymphadenopathy, in association with other organ system involvement, such as hepatitis, nephritis, hematological abnormalities, myocarditis, or myositis sometimes resembling an acute viral infection. Eosinophilia is often present. This disorder is variable in its expression, and other organ systems not noted here may be involved.

It is important to note that early manifestations of hypersensitivity, such as fever or lymphadenopathy, may be present even though rash is not evident. If such signs or symptoms are present, the patient should be evaluated immediately. Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 should be discontinued if an alternative etiology for the signs or symptoms cannot be established.

Effects on Driving and Operating Heavy Machinery

Patients taking Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 should not drive until they have gained sufficient experience to assess whether Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 impairs their ability to drive. Driving performance studies conducted with a prodrug of Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 (Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 enacarbil tablet, extended release) indicate that Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 may cause significant driving impairment. Prescribers and patients should be aware that patients’ ability to assess their own driving competence, as well as their ability to assess the degree of somnolence caused by Pharmacor Gabapentin 600, can be imperfect. The duration of driving impairment after starting therapy with Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 is unknown. Whether the impairment is related to somnolence or other effects of Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 is unknown.

Moreover, because Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 causes somnolence and dizziness, patients should be advised not to operate complex machinery until they have gained sufficient experience on Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 to assess whether Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 impairs their ability to perform such tasks.

Somnolence/Sedation and Dizziness

During the controlled epilepsy trials in patients older than 12 years of age receiving doses of Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 up to 1800 mg daily, somnolence, dizziness, and ataxia were reported at a greater rate in patients receiving Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 compared to placebo: i.e., 19% in drug versus 9% in placebo for somnolence, 17% in drug versus 7% in placebo for dizziness, and 13% in drug versus 6% in placebo for ataxia. In these trials somnolence, ataxia and fatigue were common adverse reactions leading to discontinuation of Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 in patients older than 12 years of age, with 1.2%, 0.8% and 0.6% discontinuing for these events, respectively.

During the controlled trials in patients with post-herpetic neuralgia, somnolence and dizziness were reported at a greater rate compared to placebo in patients receiving Pharmacor Gabapentin 600, in dosages up to 3600 mg per day: i.e., 21% in Pharmacor Gabapentin 600-treated patients versus 5% in placebo-treated patients for somnolence and 28% in Pharmacor Gabapentin 600-treated patients versus 8% in placebo-treated patients for dizziness. Dizziness and somnolence were among the most common adverse reactions leading to discontinuation of Pharmacor Gabapentin 600.

Withdrawal Precipitated Seizure, Status Epilepticus

Antiepileptic drugs should not be abruptly discontinued because of the possibility of increasing seizure frequency.

In the placebo-controlled epilepsy studies in patients >12 years of age, the incidence of status epilepticus in patients receiving Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 was 0.6% (3 of 543) vs. 0.5% in patients receiving placebo (2 of 378). Among the 2074 patients >12 years of age treated with Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 across all epilepsy studies (controlled and uncontrolled), 31 (1.5%) had status epilepticus. Of these, 14 patients had no prior history of status epilepticus either before treatment or while on other medications. Because adequate historical data are not available, it is impossible to say whether or not treatment with Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 is associated with a higher or lower rate of status epilepticus than would be expected to occur in a similar population not treated with Pharmacor Gabapentin 600.

Suicidal Behavior and Ideation

Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), including Pharmacor Gabapentin 600, increase the risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior in patients taking these drugs for any indication. Patients treated with any AED for any indication should be monitored for the emergence or worsening of depression, suicidal thoughts or behavior, and/or any unusual changes in mood or behavior.

Pooled analyses of 199 placebo-controlled clinical trials (mono-and adjunctive therapy) of 11 different AEDs showed that patients randomized to one of the AEDs had approximately twice the risk (adjusted Relative Risk 1.8, 95% CI:1.2, 2.7) of suicidal thinking or behavior compared to patients randomized to placebo. In these trials, which had a median treatment duration of 12 weeks, the estimated incidence rate of suicidal behavior or ideation among 27,863 AED-treated patients was 0.43%, compared to 0.24% among 16,029 placebo-treated patients, representing an increase of approximately one case of suicidal thinking or behavior for every 530 patients treated. There were four suicides in drug-treated patients in the trials and none in placebo-treated patients, but the number is too small to allow any conclusion about drug effect on suicide.

The increased risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior with AEDs was observed as early as one week after starting drug treatment with AEDs and persisted for the duration of treatment assessed. Because most trials included in the analysis did not extend beyond 24 weeks, the risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior beyond 24 weeks could not be assessed.

The risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior was generally consistent among drugs in the data analyzed. The finding of increased risk with AEDs of varying mechanisms of action and across a range of indications suggests that the risk applies to all AEDs used for any indication. The risk did not vary substantially by age (5-100 years) in the clinical trials analyzed. Table 2 shows absolute and relative risk by indication for all evaluated AEDs.

Table 2. Risk by indication for antiepileptic drugs in the pooled analysis


Placebo Patients with Events Per1000 Patients

Drug Patients with Events Per1000 Patients

Relative Risk: Incidence of Events in Drug Patients/ Incidence in Placebo Patients

Risk Difference Additional Drug: Patients with Events Per 1000 Patients





















The relative risk for suicidal thoughts or behavior was higher in clinical trials for epilepsy than in clinical trials for psychiatric or other conditions, but the absolute risk differences were similar for the epilepsy and psychiatric indications.

Anyone considering prescribing Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 or any other AED must balance the risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior with the risk of untreated illness. Epilepsy and many other illnesses for which AEDs are prescribed are themselves associated with morbidity and mortality and an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior. Should suicidal thoughts and behavior emerge during treatment, the prescriber needs to consider whether the emergence of these symptoms in any given patient may be related to the illness being treated.

Patients, their caregivers, and families should be informed that AEDs increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior and should be advised of the need to be alert for the emergence or worsening of the signs and symptoms of depression, any unusual changes in mood or behavior, or the emergence of suicidal thoughts, behavior, or thoughts about self-harm. Behaviors of concern should be reported immediately to healthcare providers.

Neuropsychiatric Adverse Reactions (Pediatric Patients 3-12 Years of Age)

Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 use in pediatric patients with epilepsy 3-12 years of age is associated with the occurrence of central nervous system related adverse reactions. The most significant of these can be classified into the following categories: 1) emotional lability (primarily behavioral problems), 2) hostility, including aggressive behaviors, 3) thought disorder, including concentration problems and change in school performance, and 4) hyperkinesia (primarily restlessness and hyperactivity). Among the Pharmacor Gabapentin 600-treated patients, most of the reactions were mild to moderate in intensity.

In controlled clinical epilepsy trials in pediatric patients 3–12 years of age, the incidence of these adverse reactions was: emotional lability 6% (Pharmacor Gabapentin 600-treated patients) vs. 1.3% (placebo-treated patients); hostility 5.2% vs. 1.3%; hyperkinesia 4.7% vs. 2.9%; and thought disorder 1.7% vs. 0%. One of these reactions, a report of hostility, was considered serious. Discontinuation of Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 treatment occurred in 1.3% of patients reporting emotional lability and hyperkinesia and 0.9% of Pharmacor Gabapentin 600-treated patients reporting hostility and thought disorder. One placebo-treated patient (0.4%) withdrew due to emotional lability.

Tumorigenic Potential

In an oral carcinogenicity study, Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 increased the incidence of pancreatic acinar cell tumors in rats. The clinical significance of this finding is unknown. Clinical experience during Pharmacor Gabapentin 600’s premarketing development provides no direct means to assess its potential for inducing tumors in humans.

In clinical studies in adjunctive therapy in epilepsy comprising 2085 patient-years of exposure in patients >12 years of age, new tumors were reported in 10 patients (2 breast, 3 brain, 2 lung, 1 adrenal, 1 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, 1 endometrial carcinoma in situ), and preexisting tumors worsened in 11 patients (9 brain, 1 breast, 1 prostate) during or up to 2 years following discontinuation of Pharmacor Gabapentin 600. Without knowledge of the background incidence and recurrence in a similar population not treated with Pharmacor Gabapentin 600, it is impossible to know whether the incidence seen in this cohort is or is not affected by treatment.

Sudden and Unexplained Death in Patients with Epilepsy

During the course of premarketing development of Pharmacor Gabapentin 600, 8 sudden and unexplained deaths were recorded among a cohort of 2203 epilepsy patients treated (2103 patient-years of exposure) with Pharmacor Gabapentin 600.

Some of these could represent seizure-related deaths in which the seizure was not observed, e.g., at night. This represents an incidence of 0.0038 deaths per patient-year. Although this rate exceeds that expected in a healthy population matched for age and sex, it is within the range of estimates for the incidence of sudden unexplained deaths in patients with epilepsy not receiving Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 (ranging from 0.0005 for the general population of epileptics to 0.003 for a clinical trial population similar to that in the Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 program, to 0.005 for patients with refractory epilepsy). Consequently, whether these figures are reassuring or raise further concern depends on comparability of the populations reported upon to the Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 cohort and the accuracy of the estimates provided.

Laboratory Tests

Clinical trials data do not indicate that routine monitoring of clinical laboratory parameters is necessary for the safe use of Pharmacor Gabapentin 600. The value of monitoring Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 blood concentrations has not been established. Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 may be used in combination with other antiepileptic drugs without concern for alteration of the blood concentrations of Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 or of other antiepileptic drugs.

What should I discuss with my healthcare provider before taking Pharmacor Gabapentin 600?

Before taking Pharmacor Gabapentin 600, tell your healthcare provider if you:

Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take including prescription and non­prescription medicines, vitamins or herbal supplements.

Taking Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 with certain other medicines can cause side effects or affect how well they work. Do not start or stop other medicines without talking to your healthcare provider.

Know the medicines you take. Keep a list of them and show it to your healthcare provider and pharmacist when you get a new medicine.

Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 precautions


Although there is no evidence of rebound seizures with Pharmacor Gabapentin 600, abrupt withdrawal of anticonvulsant agents in epileptic patients may precipitate status epilepticus. When dose reduction, discontinuation or substitution of alternative anticonvulsant medication is needed, this should be done gradually over a minimum period of 1 week.

Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 is not generally considered effective in the treatment of absence seizures and may exacerbate these seizures in some patients. Consequently, Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 should be used with caution in patients who have mixed seizure disorders that include absence seizures.

Psychotic episodes have been reported with the use of Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 in some patients, with and rarely without, a history of psychotic illness. Most of these events resolved with discontinuation of therapy. Patients taking Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 can experience mood and behavioural disturbances.

Effects on the Ability to Drive or Operate Machinery: Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 may cause somnolence, dizziness and other CNS symptoms. Therefore, patients should be cautioned about driving or operating machinery until they are reasonably certain that this therapy does not affect their ability to engage in such activities.

Use in pregnancy & lactation: Safe use of Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 in human pregnancy has not been established.

Reproduction studies in mice, rats or rabbits at doses of up to 50, 30 and 25 times respectively, the daily human dose of 3600 mg revealed no evidence of impaired fertility or harm to the fetus due to Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 administration. However, there are no well controlled studies in pregnant women. Therefore, Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefits clearly outweigh the potential risks.

Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 is excreted in human milk but the effect on the nursing infant is unknown. Because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants from Pharmacor Gabapentin 600, a decision should made whether to discontinue nursing or to discontinue Pharmacor Gabapentin 600, taking into account the importance of Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 to the mother.

Use in children: Safety of Pharmacor Gabapentin 600 in children <12 years is not established.

What happens if I miss a dose of Pharmacor Gabapentin 600?

Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. Be sure to take the medicine with food. Skip the missed dose if it is almost time for your next scheduled dose. Do not take extra medicine to make up the missed dose.


  1. DailyMed. "GABAPENTIN: DailyMed provides trustworthy information about marketed drugs in the United States. DailyMed is the official provider of FDA label information (package inserts).". (accessed September 17, 2018).
  2. DrugBank. "gabapentin". (accessed September 17, 2018).
  3. MeSH. "Excitatory Amino Acid Antagonists". (accessed September 17, 2018).


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