Extodin Uses

How do you administer this medicine?

What is Extodin?

Extodin is a sedative that is used to sedate a patient who is under intensive medical care and needs a mechanical ventilator (breathing machine).

Before a ventilator is used, a breathing tube must be inserted through the mouth and into the patient's airway, a procedure called intubation. The tube is then attached to the ventilator, which pumps air slowly into the lungs to control the patient's breathing. Sedation with Extodin can help keep the patient relaxed and comfortable while the ventilator and tube are in place.

Extodin is also used during anesthesia to get a patient ready for a surgery or other medical procedure.

Extodin may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.

Extodin indications


Treat the symptoms of eczema & (allergic) skin irritations. Relieves itch & treats damaged, red & dry skin. Supports the skin's natural healing process & neutralises harmful bacteria. Refreshes & conditions the skin. Cream Treat small areas of skin affected by eczema or skin irritation. Foam For large areas of irritated skin.

Uses of Extodin in details

Use: Labeled Indications

Intensive care unit sedation: Sedation of initially-intubated and mechanically-ventilated patients during treatment in an intensive care setting

Procedural sedation: Procedural sedation prior to and/or during awake fiberoptic intubation; sedation prior to and/or during surgical or other procedures of nonintubated patients

Off Label Uses

Sedation during awake craniotomy

Data from controlled studies indicate that Extodin can be used successfully to provide sedation during awake craniotomy and may help reduce length of stay as well as the need for other perioperative pharmacological interventions. Additional trials may be necessary to further define the role of Extodin in this condition.

Extodin description


An agonist of receptors, adrenergic alpha-2 that is used in veterinary medicine for its analgesic and sedative properties. It is the racemate of Extodin. [PubChem]

Extodin dosage

Dosage Forms

Excipient information presented when available (limited, particularly for generics); consult specific product labeling.



Generic: 400 mcg/4 mL (4 mL); 1000 mcg/10 mL (10 mL)


Intravenous [preservative free]:

Precedex: 400 mcg/100 mL (100 mL); 200 mcg/2 mL (2 mL) [additive free, latex free]

Precedex: 200 mcg/50 mL (50 mL) [latex free]

Precedex: 80 mcg/20 mL (20 mL)

Generic: 80 mcg/20 mL (20 mL); 200 mcg/50 mL (50 mL); 400 mcg/100 mL (100 mL); 200 mcg/2 mL (2 mL); Extodin 200 mcg/50 mL in Dextrose 5% (50 mL); Extodin 400 mcg/100 mL in Dextrose 5% (100 mL)

Dosing: Adult

Note: Errors have occurred due to misinterpretation of dosing information. Maintenance dose expressed as mcg/kg/hour. Individualized and titrated to desired clinical effect. At recommended doses, Extodin does not provide adequate and reliable amnesia (when necessary); therefore, use of additional agents with amnestic properties (eg, benzodiazepines) may be necessary (Ebert 2000).

ICU sedation: IV: Initial: Loading infusion (optional; see "Note" below) of 1 mcg/kg over 10 minutes, followed by a maintenance infusion (see "Note" below) of 0.2 to 0.7 mcg/kg/hour; adjust rate to desired level of sedation; titration no more frequently than every 30 minutes may reduce the incidence of hypotension (Gerlach 2009)

Note: Loading infusion: The loading dose may be omitted for this indication if patient is either being converted from another sedative and patient is adequately sedated or there are concerns for hemodynamic compromise. Maintenance infusion: Dosing ranges between 0.2 to 1.5 mcg/kg/hour have been reported during randomized controlled clinical trials (Pandharipande 2007; Riker 2009). Although infusion rates as high as 2.5 mcg/kg/hour have been used, it is thought that doses >1.5 mcg/kg/hour do not add to clinical efficacy (Venn 2003). Manufacturer recommends duration of infusion should not exceed 24 hours; however, randomized clinical trials have demonstrated efficacy and safety comparable to lorazepam and midazolam with longer-term infusions of up to ~5 days (Pandharipande 2007; Riker 2009).

Procedural sedation: IV: Initial: Loading infusion of 1 mcg/kg (or 0.5 mcg/kg for less invasive procedures [eg, ophthalmic]) over 10 minutes, followed by a maintenance infusion of 0.6 mcg/kg/hour, titrate to desired effect; usual range: 0.2 to 1 mcg/kg/hour

Fiberoptic intubation (awake): IV: Initial: Loading infusion of 1 mcg/kg over 10 minutes, followed by a maintenance infusion of 0.7 mcg/kg/hour until endotracheal tube is secured (Bergese 2010).

Craniotomy (awake) (off-label use): IV: Initial: Loading infusion of 0.5 to 1 mcg/kg over 10 to 20 minutes, followed by a maintenance infusion of 0.5 mcg/kg/hour, titrate to desired effect (Bekker 2001; Bekker, 2008; Piccioni 2008; Shen 2013); usual range: 0.1 to 0.7 mcg/kg/hour (Piccioni 2008)

Dosing: Geriatric

ICU sedation: IV: Refer to adult dosing. Consider dosage reduction. No specific guidelines available. Dose selections should be cautious, at the low end of dosage range; titration should be slower, allowing adequate time to evaluate response.

Procedural sedation: IV: Refer to adult dosing: Initial: Loading infusion of 0.5 mcg/kg over 10 minutes; Maintenance infusion: Dosage reduction should be considered.

Dosing: Pediatric

Note: Errors have occurred due to misinterpretation of dosing information. Maintenance dose expressed as mcg/kg/hour. Individualize and titrate to desired clinical effect. At recommended doses, Extodin does not provide adequate and reliable amnesia (when necessary); therefore, use of additional agents with amnestic properties (eg, benzodiazepines) may be necessary (Ebert 2000).

ICU sedation: Infants, Children, and Adolescents: Limited data available:

Loading dose (Optional): IV: 0.5 to 1 mcg/kg/dose over 10 minutes (Chrysostomou 2009; Walker 2006); use of loading dose is dependent upon concomitant sedation agents and patient

Extodin interactions

See also:
What other drugs will affect Extodin?


Alfuzosin: May enhance the hypotensive effect of Blood Pressure Lowering Agents. Monitor therapy

Amifostine: Blood Pressure Lowering Agents may enhance the hypotensive effect of Amifostine. Management: When amifostine is used at chemotherapy doses, blood pressure lowering medications should be withheld for 24 hours prior to amifostine administration. If blood pressure lowering therapy cannot be withheld, amifostine should not be administered. Consider therapy modification

Amisulpride (Oral): May enhance the hypotensive effect of Hypotension-Associated Agents. Monitor therapy

Antipsychotic Agents (Second Generation [Atypical]): Blood Pressure Lowering Agents may enhance the hypotensive effect of Antipsychotic Agents (Second Generation [Atypical]). Monitor therapy

Barbiturates: May enhance the hypotensive effect of Blood Pressure Lowering Agents. Monitor therapy

Benperidol: May enhance the hypotensive effect of Blood Pressure Lowering Agents. Monitor therapy

Beta-Blockers: Alpha2-Agonists may enhance the AV-blocking effect of Beta-Blockers. Sinus node dysfunction may also be enhanced. Beta-Blockers may enhance the rebound hypertensive effect of Alpha2-Agonists. This effect can occur when the Alpha2-Agonist is abruptly withdrawn. Management: Closely monitor heart rate during treatment with a beta blocker and clonidine. Withdraw beta blockers several days before clonidine withdrawal when possible, and monitor blood pressure closely. Recommendations for other alpha2-agonists are unavailable. Exceptions: Levobunolol; Metipranolol. Consider therapy modification

Blood Pressure Lowering Agents: May enhance the hypotensive effect of Hypotension-Associated Agents. Monitor therapy

Bradycardia-Causing Agents: May enhance the bradycardic effect of other Bradycardia-Causing Agents. Monitor therapy

Brimonidine (Topical): May enhance the hypotensive effect of Blood Pressure Lowering Agents. Monitor therapy

Bromperidol: May diminish the hypotensive effect of Blood Pressure Lowering Agents. Blood Pressure Lowering Agents may enhance the hypotensive effect of Bromperidol. Avoid combination

Ceritinib: Bradycardia-Causing Agents may enhance the bradycardic effect of Ceritinib. Management: If this combination cannot be avoided, monitor patients for evidence of symptomatic bradycardia, and closely monitor blood pressure and heart rate during therapy. Exceptions are discussed in separate monographs. Consider therapy modification

Diazoxide: May enhance the hypotensive effect of Blood Pressure Lowering Agents. Monitor therapy

DULoxetine: Blood Pressure Lowering Agents may enhance the hypotensive effect of DULoxetine. Monitor therapy

Fexinidazole [INT]: Bradycardia-Causing Agents may enhance the arrhythmogenic effect of Fexinidazole [INT]. Avoid combination

Herbs (Hypotensive Properties): May enhance the hypotensive effect of Blood Pressure Lowering Agents. Monitor therapy

Hypotension-Associated Agents: Blood Pressure Lowering Agents may enhance the hypotensive effect of Hypotension-Associated Agents. Monitor therapy

Ivabradine: Bradycardia-Causing Agents may enhance the bradycardic effect of Ivabradine. Monitor therapy

Lacosamide: Bradycardia-Causing Agents may enhance the AV-blocking effect of Lacosamide. Monitor therapy

Levodopa-Containing Products: Blood Pressure Lowering Agents may enhance the hypotensive effect of Levodopa-Containing Products. Monitor therapy

Lormetazepam: May enhance the hypotensive effect of Blood Pressure Lowering Agents. Monitor therapy

Midodrine: May enhance the bradycardic effect of Bradycardia-Causing Agents. Monitor therapy

Mirtazapine: May diminish the antihypertensive effect of Alpha2-Agonists. Management: Consider avoiding concurrent use. If the combination cannot be avoided, monitor for decreased effects of alpha2-agonists if mirtazapine is initiated/dose increased, or increased effects if mirtazapine is discontinued/dose decreased. Consider therapy modification

Molsidomine: May enhance the hypotensive effect of Blood Pressure Lowering Agents. Monitor therapy

Naftopidil: May enhance the hypotensive effect of Blood Pressure Lowering Agents. Monitor therapy

Nicergoline: May enhance the hypotensive effect of Blood Pressure Lowering Agents. Monitor therapy

Nicorandil: May enhance the hypotensive effect of Blood Pressure Lowering Agents. Monitor therapy

Nitroprusside: Blood Pressure Lowering Agents may enhance the hypotensive effect of Nitroprusside. Monitor therapy

Obinutuzumab: May enhance the hypotensive effect of Blood Pressure Lowering Agents. Management: Consider temporarily withholding blood pressure lowering medications beginning 12 hours prior to obinutuzumab infusion and continuing until 1 hour after the end of the infusion. Consider therapy modification

Pentoxifylline: May enhance the hypotensive effect of Blood Pressure Lowering Agents. Monitor therapy

Pholcodine: Blood Pressure Lowering Agents may enhance the hypotensive effect of Pholcodine. Monitor therapy

Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitors: May enhance the hypotensive effect of Blood Pressure Lowering Agents. Monitor therapy

Prostacyclin Analogues: May enhance the hypotensive effect of Blood Pressure Lowering Agents. Monitor therapy

Quinagolide: May enhance the hypotensive effect of Blood Pressure Lowering Agents. Monitor therapy

Ruxolitinib: May enhance the bradycardic effect of Bradycardia-Causing Agents. Management: Ruxolitinib Canadian product labeling recommends avoiding use with bradycardia-causing agents to the extent possible. Monitor therapy

Serotonin/Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors: May diminish the antihypertensive effect of Alpha2-Agonists. Monitor therapy

Siponimod: Bradycardia-Causing Agents may enhance the bradycardic effect of Siponimod. Management: Avoid coadministration of siponimod with drugs that may cause bradycardia. Consider therapy modification

Solriamfetol: May enhance the hypertensive effect of Hypertension-Associated Agents. Monitor therapy

Terlipressin: May enhance the bradycardic effect of Bradycardia-Causing Agents. Monitor therapy

Tofacitinib: May enhance the bradycardic effect of Bradycardia-Causing Agents. Monitor therapy

Tricyclic Antidepressants: May diminish the antihypertensive effect of Alpha2-Agonists. Management: Consider avoiding this combination. If used, monitor for decreased effects of the alpha2-agonist. Exercise great caution if discontinuing an alpha2-agonist in a patient receiving a TCA. Consider therapy modification

Extodin side effects

See also:
What are the possible side effects of Extodin?


Applies to Extodin: parenteral injection concentrate

Side effects include:

Hypotension, hypertension, nausea, bradycardia, fever, vomiting, hypoxia, tachycardia, anemia.

Extodin contraindications

See also:
What is the most important information I should know about Extodin?

There are no contraindications listed in the US manufacturer's labeling.

Canadian labeling: Hypersensitivity to Extodin or any component of the formulation.

Active ingredient matches for Extodin:

Dexmedetomidine in Brazil.

List of Extodin substitutes (brand and generic names)

Sort by popularity
Unit description / dosage (Manufacturer)Price, USD
Dexem foam 100 mL x 1's (Themis Medicare Ltd.)$ 178.00
Dexem 100mcg Injection (Themis Medicare Ltd.)$ 4.22
Dexem 50mcg Injection (Themis Medicare Ltd.)$ 2.65
DEXGLAN 0.1MG INJECTION 1 vial / 2 ML injection each (Gland Pharma Limited)$ 6.69
Precedex 200 mcg/2 ml vial$ 41.32
Dexmedetomidine injection, solution, concentrate 100 ug/mL (Akorn, Inc. (US))
Dexmedine 100mcg Injection (Samarth Life Sciences Pvt Ltd)$ 4.58
Dexmedine 200mcg Injection (Samarth Life Sciences Pvt Ltd)$ 3.83
KABIMIDINE inj 100 mcg x 1 mL x 2ml (Fresenius Kabi)$ 6.99
Xamdex 100mcg x 1mL INJ / 1ml (Abbott)$ 4.22
Xamdex 200mcg x 2mL INJ / 2ml (Abbott)$ 6.63
XAMDEX 100MCG INJECTION 1 vial / 2 ML injection each (Abbott)$ 6.31
XAMDEX inj 100 mcg x 1 mL x 1ml (Abbott)$ 4.22
XAMDEX inj 200 mcg x 2 mL x 2ml (Abbott)$ 6.63
Xamdex 100mcg Injection (Abbott)$ 3.16


  1. PubChem. "DEXMEDETOMIDINE". https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/com... (accessed September 17, 2018).
  2. DrugBank. "DEXMEDETOMIDINE". http://www.drugbank.ca/drugs/DB00633 (accessed September 17, 2018).
  3. MeSH. "Analgesics, Non-Narcotic". https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/68... (accessed September 17, 2018).


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