Tilvis Uses

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Tilvis indications



Urinary tract infections

Adult: 750 mg every 12 hr.

Tilvis dosage


Urinary tract infections

Adult: 750 mg every 12 hr.

Tilvis interactions

none known

Tilvis side effects

Urinary stones, muscle pain, hypersensivity reactions (e.g. rash, urticaria, pruritus, photosensitivity, leukopenia, eosinophilia), nausea, vomiting, anorexia, epigastric pain, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, metallic taste, increased LFTs, insomnia, anxiety, nervousness, confusion, vertigo, somnolence, headache, peripheral neuropathy, paraesthesia, photophobia, blurred vision, disturbances in accommodation, diplopia, convulsions, hallucination.

Tilvis contraindications

Hypersensitivity. Severe renal impairment. Pregnancy and lactation. G6PD deficiency. Children. Convulsive conditions.

Active ingredient matches for Tilvis:

Oxolinic Acid in Italy.

List of Tilvis substitutes (brand and generic names)

Sort by popularity
Unit description / dosage (Manufacturer)Price, USD
Ointment; Nasal; Oxolin 0.25%
Ointment; Topical; Oxolin 3%
Ointment; Local; Oxolin 0.25%
Oxolin 0.25% 10 gr - 1 Ointment$ 7.30
200ml (Novaduo Pharma)$ 0.69
Urotrate 200 ml Syrup (Novaduo Pharma)$ 0.02
UROTRATE syr 200ml (Novaduo Pharma)$ 0.69


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Information checked by Dr. Sachin Kumar, MD Pharmacology

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