Foran Uses

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Foran indications



Induction and maintenance of general anaesthesia

Adult: Induction: Initially, 0.5% v/v with oxygen or oxygen and nitrous oxide, increased to 1.5-3% v/v. Surgical anaesthesia is usually produced within 10 minutes.

Maintenance: 1-2.5% v/v with oxygen and nitrous oxide mixtures or 1.5-3.5% v/v with oxygen only. For maintenance of anesth during caesarean section: 0.5-0.75% v/v with oxygen and nitrous oxide mixtures.

Uses of Foran in details

Foran is used as general anaesthesia for all type of surgeries.

Foran description

lsoflurane is a colourless, nonflammable general inhalation anaesthetic which contains no additive or stabiliser. It is 1-chloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethyl difluoro-melhyl ether.

Foran dosage

lsofurane has a slight pungent ethereal odour, which may limit the rate of gas induction but, despite this, induction and particularly recovery are rapid.

The use Foran-specific vaporisers will facilitate accurate control of the administered concentration of anaesthetic.

The minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) the standard measure of potency for anaesthetics is 1.15% in pure oxygen decreasing to 0.5% when given with 70% nitrous oxide for middle-aged humans. There is an age-relationship, the MAC is significantly higher in children and is lower in the elderly.

Premedication: Premedication drugs should be selected according to the needs of the patient. The ventilatory depressant effect of Foran should be taken into account. Anticholinergic drugs (eg, atropine, glycopyrrolate USP) may be used for their effects in drying oral secretions (antisialogogue) at the discretion of the anaesthetist, but they may enhance the weak effects of Foran in increasing heart rate.

Induction: As Foran has a mild pungency, inhalation should usually be preceded by the use of a short-acting barbiturate or other IV induction agent, to prevent coughing. Salivation and coughing may be troublesome in small children induced with Foran. Alternatively, Foran with oxygen or with an oxygen/nitrous oxide mixture may be administered. It is recommended that induction with Foran be initiated at a concentration of 0.5%. Concentrations of 1.5-3% usually produce surgical anaesthesia in 7-10 min. Blood pressure decreases during induction but this may be compensated by surgical stimulation.

Maintenance: Adequate anaesthesia for surgery may be sustained with an inspired lsoflurane concentration of 1-2.5% in an oxygen/70% nitrous oxide mixture. Additional inspired Foran (0.5-1%) will be required with lower nitrous oxide levels, or when Foran is given with oxygen alone or with air/oxygen mixtures. Blood pressure decreases during maintenance anaesthesia in relation to the depth of anaesthesia. That is, blood pressure is inversely related to the Foran concentration. Provided there are no other complicating factors, this is probably due to peripheral vasodilation. Cardiac rhythm remains stable. Excessive falls in blood pressure may be due to the depth of anaesthesia and in such circumstances can be corrected by reducing the inspired Foran concentration.

Induced hypotension can be achieved by artificially ventilating patients with Foran 2.5-4%. Pretreatment with clonidine significantly decreases the Foran requirement for maintaining induced hypotension.

Recovery: The concentration of Foran can be reduced to 0.5% at the start of closing the operation wound and then to 0% at the end of surgery, provided that the anaesthetist is satisfied that the effect of any neuromuscular blocking drugs has been reversed and the patient is no longer paralysed. After discontinuation of all anaesthetics, the airways of the patient should be ventilated several times with oxygen 100% until complete recovery.

Foran interactions


Muscle Relaxants: Foran produces sufficient muscle relaxation for some intra-abdominal operations. It is compatible with all commonly used muscle relaxants, the effects of which may be markedly potentiated by Foran. The effect is most notable in nondepolarising agents, thus lower doses should be used in the presence of Foran. The effect of nondepolarising muscle relaxants can be counteracted by administering neostigmine as this has no effect on the relaxant properties of Foran.

Adrenaline: Administration of adrenaline (epinephrine) by any route during Foran anaesthesia may cause supraventricular or ventricular arrhythmias. Where adrenaline is used, the amount used should be limited to a maximum of 3 mg/kg of body weight in patients with normal hearts and less in those with rhythm disturbances.

Concurrent use of other β-sympathomimetic drugs eg, amphetamines may predispose to arrhythmias. If possible, interrupt treatment a few days before surgery.

Calcium Antagonists (and Other Vasodilators): Foran can cause marked hypotension in patients receiving concomitant therapy with calcium antagonists, especially those of the dihydropyridine class. Patients receiving chronic therapy with other vasodilators eg, ACE inhibitors (eg, captopril, enalapril, lisinopril) or α1-adrenoceptor antagonists (eg, prazosin), may show unpredictable hypotension with any type of anaesthesia.

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOI): Monoamine oxidase inhibitors have been shown to enhance the effects of general anaesthetics. lf possible, patients should stop taking the MAOI drug at least 14 days before anticipated surgery.

Beta-Blockers: Beta-blockers used in the peri-operative period will prevent or reduce any tendency for Foran to increase the heart rate. Thus, β-blockade will normally tend to be cardioprotective. Should an increase in heart rate or vasoconstriction be required, appropriate sympathomimetics should be given by the anaesthetist. A full drug history should always be taken by the anaesthetist.

Isoniazid: Isoniazid induces enzymes. Patients receiving isoniazid may be more susceptible to hepatotoxicity from volatile anaesthetics. If possible, cease isoniazid treatment 1 week before surgery.

Opioid Analgesics: Opioid analgesics potentiate the respiratory depressant effect of Foran.

Foran side effects

See also:
What are the possible side effects of Foran?


Adverse reactions encountered in the administration of Foran are in general dose dependent extensions of pharmacophysiologic effects and include respiratory depression, hypotension and arrhythmias.

Shivering, nausea, vomiting and ileus have been observed in the postoperative period.

As with all other general anesthetics, transient elevations in white blood count have been observed even in the absence of surgical stress. See WARNINGS for information regarding malignant hyperthermia and elevated carboxyhemoglobin levels.

During marketing, there have been rare reports of mild, moderate and severe (some fatal) postoperative hepatic dysfunction and hepatitis.

Foran has also been associated with perioperative hyperkalemia.

Post-Marketing Events:

The following adverse events have been identified during post-approval use of Foran. Due to the spontaneous nature of these reports, the actual incidence and relationship of Foran, these events cannot be established with certainty.

Cardiac Disorders: Cardiac arrest

Hepatobiliary Disorders: Hepatic necrosis, Hepatic failure

Foran contraindications


Known sensitivity to Foran or to other halogenated agents. Known or suspected susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia. Patients who have developed an icterus and/or fever of unknown origin, hepatic impairment or eosinophilia after administration of Foran or another halogenated anaesthetic.

Active ingredient matches for Foran:

Isoflurane in Georgia.

List of Foran substitutes (brand and generic names)

Sort by popularity
Unit description / dosage (Manufacturer)Price, USD
Florane inhalation soln 100 % 100 mL x 1's (Singapore Pharmawealth Lifesciences)
Solution; Inhalation; Isoflurane 100 ml (Abbott)
Solution; Inhalation; Isoflurane 100 ml
Isocane inhalation soln 100 mL 100 mL x 1's (Lunan Better)
Liquid; Inhalation; Isoflurane 99.9%
Liquid; Inhalation; Isoflurane 100%
Liquid; Inhalation; Isoflurane 99.9%
Liquid; Inhalation; Isoflurane 100% (Raman & Weil)
Liquid; Inhalation; Isoflurane 99.9% (Raman & Weil)
Forane liquid (Raman & Weil)$ 0.24
ISOFLURANE / RAMAN & WEIL inhalation soln 100 % x 100ml (Raman & Weil)$ 13.58
ISOFLURANE / RAMAN & WEIL inhalation soln 100 % x 250ml (Raman & Weil)$ 48.19
Isoflurane liquid 1 mL/mL (Raman & Weil)


  1. DailyMed. "ISOFLURANE: DailyMed provides trustworthy information about marketed drugs in the United States. DailyMed is the official provider of FDA label information (package inserts).". (accessed September 17, 2018).
  2. PubChem. "isoflurane". (accessed September 17, 2018).
  3. DrugBank. "isoflurane". (accessed September 17, 2018).


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