Silygen-H Uses

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Silygen-H indications


Pernicious anemia, both uncomplicated and accompanied by nervous system involvement.

Dietary deficiency of Vitamin B12, occurring in strict vegetarians and in their breast-fed infants. (Isolated vitamin B12 deficiency is very rare).

Malabsorption of vitamin B12, resulting from structural or functional damage to the stomach, where intrinsic factor is secreted or to the ileum, where intrinsic factor facilitates vitamin B12 absorption. These conditions include tropical sprue, and nontropical sprue (idiopathic steatorrhea, gluten-induced enteropathy). Folate deficiency in these patients is usually more severe than vitamin B12 deficiency.

Inadequate secretion of intrinsic factor, resulting from lesions that destroy the gastric mucosa (ingestion of corrosives, extensive neoplasia), and a number of conditions associated with a variable degree of gastric atrophy (such as multiple sclerosis, certain endocrine disorders, iron deficiency, and subtotal gastrectomy). Total gastrectomy always produces vitamin B12 deficiency.

Structural lesions leading to vitamin B12 deficiency include regional ileitis, ileal resections, malignancies, etc.

Competition for Vitamin B12 by intestinal parasites or bacteria.

The fish tapeworm (Diphyilobothrium latum) absorbs huge quantities of vitamin B12 and infested patients often have associated gastric atrophy. The blind-loop syndrome may produce deficiency of Vitamin B12 or folate.

Inadequate utilization of vitamin B12. This may occur if antimetabolites for the vitamin are employed in the treatment of neoplasia.

For the Schilling Test.

Uses of Silygen-H in details


Silygen-H is a liver protectant and antioxidant. Treatment with Silygen-H has shown slightly improved liver function, and showed improvement in patients with type 2 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy (kidney disease).

Silygen-H description

Each 70-mg capsule contains Silygen-H 70 mg (calculated as Silygen-H) in dried extract of milk thistle fruits 86.5-93.3 mg while the 140-mg capsule contains Silygen-H 140 mg (calculated as Silygen-H) in dried extract of milk thistle fruits 173-186.6 mg.

Silygen-H dosage

Unless otherwise directed by the physician: Adults and Children >12 years: Usual Dose: Initially, 1 cap 3 times daily.

Maintenance Dose: 1 cap 2 times daily.

Administration: Silygen-H should be taken whole with some liquid before meals.

The physician should decide on the length of treatment.

Silygen-H interactions

Fish lipid oil prevents blood clotting too quickly, therefore patients who are treated with anticoagulants must consult their doctor before taking Silygen-H.

Silygen-H side effects

Body as a Whole: Enlarged abdomen, asthenia, body odor, chest pain, chills, suicide, fever, generalized edema, fungal infection, malaise, neck pain, neoplasm, rheumatoid arthritis, and sudden death.

Cardiovascular System: Arrhythmia, bypass surgery, cardiac arrest, hyperlipemia, hypertension, migraine, myocardial infarct, myocardial ischemia, occlusion, peripheral vascular disorder, syncope, and tachycardia.

Digestive System: Anorexia, constipation, dry mouth, dysphagia, colitis, fecal incontinence, gastritis, gastroenteritis, gastrointestinal disorder, increased appetite, intestinal obstruction, melena, pancreatitis, tenesmus, and vomiting.

Hematologic-Lymphatic System: Lymphadenopathy.

Infections and Infestations: Viral infection.

Metabolic and Nutritional Disorders: Edema, hyperglycemia, increased ALT, and increased AST.

Musculoskeletal System: Arthralgia, arthritis, myalgia, pathological fracture, and tendon disorder.

Nervous System: Central nervous system neoplasia, depression, dizziness, emotional lability, facial paralysis, insomnia, vasodilatation, and vertigo.

Respiratory System: Asthma, bronchitis, increased cough, dyspnea, epistaxis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, rhinitis, and sinusitis.

Skin: Alopecia, eczema, pruritus, and sweating.

Special Senses: Cataract.

Urogenital System: Cervix disorder, endometrial carcinoma, epididymitis, and impotence.

Silygen-H contraindications


Hypersensitivity to milk thistle fruits and/or other plants of the compositae, or to any of the excipients of Silygen-H.

Active ingredient matches for Silygen-H:

Silibinin in Taiwan.

Unit description / dosage (Manufacturer)Price, USD
Silygen-H 150 mg x 1000's

List of Silygen-H substitutes (brand and generic names):

Silygen-F 35 mg x 1000's
Silyhep / Kojar 150 mg
Silyhep / Souriree 5 x 6's
Silyhep / Souriree 30 x 6's
Silyhep 150 mg x 10 Blister x 10 Tablet
Silyma 150 mg
Capsule; Oral; Milk Thistle 70 mg (Sedico impex)
Capsule; Oral; Milk Thistle 140 mg (Sedico impex)
Capsule; Oral; Milk Thistle 200 mg (Sedico impex)
Capsule; Oral; Milk Thistle 110 mg (Sedico impex)
Silymarin / Tai Yu 70 mg (Sedico impex)
Silymarin 70 mg x 30's (Sedico impex)
Silymarin 70 mg x 1, 000's (Sedico impex)
Silymarin / S.C. 35 mg (Sedico impex)
Silymarin / S.C. 150 mg (Sedico impex)
Silymarin / Biome 150 mg (Sedico impex)
Silymarin / P.L. 70 mg x 1000's (Sedico impex)
Silyme-V 70 mg
Silymin 150 mg
Silyrin 35mg/5mL SUSP / 100ml (Talent Laboratories)$ 0.72
Silyrin -140 3 Blister x 10 Tablet (Talent Laboratories)
Silyrin -70 3 Blister x 10 Tablet (Talent Laboratories)
Silyrin 100 ml Suspension (Talent Laboratories)$ 0.04
Silyrin 140 mg Tablet (Talent Laboratories)$ 0.07
Silyrin 70 mg Tablet (Talent Laboratories)$ 0.04
Sison 70mg CAP / 10 (Dr Alson Laboratories Pvt Ltd)$ 0.51
Sison 140mg CAP / 10 (Dr Alson Laboratories Pvt Ltd)$ 0.90
70 mg x 10's (Dr Alson Laboratories Pvt Ltd)$ 0.51


  1. PubChem. "silibinin". (accessed September 17, 2018).
  2. DrugBank. "Silibinin A". (accessed September 17, 2018).
  3. DTP/NCI. "NSC651520: The NCI Development Therapeutics Program (DTP) provides services and resources to the academic and private-sector research communities worldwide to facilitate the discovery and development of new cancer therapeutic agents.". (accessed September 17, 2018).


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